Questions and Answers
Questions submitted by our users and the Answers to those questions are listed below.
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Do I have to be a local to leave feedback?
Do I have to be a "local" to leave feedback?
That is an excellent question and I can see why you have it.
Local's Reviews' primary function is to work with and for small business owners within their local markets, however, you may leave your feedback for any business anywhere in the USA, Canada, or Mexico.
- Just select "Not a Local Customer"
- Or, indicate your relationship with the business in your feedback.
What if my feedback is negative but I do not want to hurt the business?
What if my feedback is negative but I do not want to hurt the business?
We find this is often the case. No worries. Just check the box to "Make My Feedback Private" and your feedback to the business will NEVER be show publicly by Locals.Reviews.
The business owners CANNOT override this feature, either.
What You May Want to Do
If the issue you had has been resolved well, you may return and leave your feedback again.

Do I need to register?
Do I need to register?
No. Just leave your feedback!
Must I provide my email address?
Must I provide my email address?
If the business requires it, you will need to provide your email address.
This enables the business's owners / managers to get back in touch with you if needed.
Some businesses may not require it.
How is Locals.Reviews Different from other Reviews Platforms?
How is Locals.Reviews Different from other Reviews Platforms?
There are several, significant differences. Here are the top 3 differences.
- Locals.Reviews is the easiest to use! It does NOT require that a user register, enroll or enlist in Locals.Reviews in order to leave feedback for a local business. Businesses that claim their listing on Locals.Reviews may choose to require an email address and/or phone number from their customers, but that is up to them.
- Locals.Reviews focuses primarily on reviews for local businesses provided by the “locals” that frequent their businesses. Many times reviews are left by travelers that are not local residents and they may only visit a business a single time. “Locals”, due to the fact that they LIVE in the area, have the ability to frequent a business and therefore, their feedback about a particular business should have more weight.
- The Locals.Reviews platform utilizes a two step process: first feedback and then review. This gives the local business owner the opportunity to mitigate “negative” feedback privately before a review is posted publicly.
Do you provide an affiliate or referrals program?
Do you provide an affiliate or referrals program?
We are develolping one now.
Visit this website:
May I edit my feedback for a business after submitting it?
May I edit my feedback for a business after submitting it?
No. Sorry.
However, you may leave another feedback anytime you want.