How Good Reviews Impact Most People

How Good Reviews Impact Most People
Most people are like most people.
Here are a few "most people" truths:
Since most people are like most people, you are more likely than not like most people, too.
People are very predictable, usually.
ALL people are not like MOST people, but MOST people are ...
We're All Different, but We are All Alike, Too
Keep in mind that I am speaking in the most general of terms. We will have different favorite colors and foods and hobbies, of course. In many ways we are even truly unique, but in the most general of terms, we share most things in common with others that are within our same culture.
Here are a few obvious examples:
- Most people avoid pain if they can.
- Most people love their families and close friends.
- Most people want to be comfortable.
- Most people don't buy from SPAM emails.
- Most people hang up on RUDE telemarketers.
- Most people will ask "what's the catch" when they hear something is free.
- Most people try to skip or ignore commercials.
- Most people have something that interests them outside of their jobs.
- Most people are religious, even if evolution is their religion. They believe things that they cannot prove (which is my definition of religion here).
- Most people would agree that if something "sounds to good to be true, then it is too good to be true."
- Most people don't like to be pushed.
- Most people are willing to follow someone that they believe is a good leader.
- Most people dislike salespeople.
- Most people will not believe sensational stories ... even when they are true.
Since you are a "most people" too ...
How Do you Respond When You See Good Reviews About a Product or Service?
- Most people trust online reviews.
- For most people, every "star" in a 5 star program is quickly mathematically assumed as being a 20% "vote".
- For most people, the more "stars" they see, they more likely they are to proceed.
- For most people, if most of the reviews are 3 stars or less, they won't risk doing business with you.
- For most people, great reviews are just as trusted as a personal recommendation of a friend or family member.