Lite Subscription Example
The lite version (Cost: $25/mo or $225/yr) will look like this below when you paste our widget code onto your website.
For the lite version, they will see the Locals.Reviews logo and the reviews count and your star rating from the widget.
Your Email Address & Other Personal Information We don't share (give or sell) your email address or other personal information with anyone unless we have your explicit permission.
We require businesses to adhere to this privacy policy in order to use our program.
Nope. We won't be sending you a bunch of emails that you don't want and did not request.
Terms of Use
As a local customer, you may freely use the Local's Reviews program as often as you like. By using this platform, you are agreeing to the following:
You will provide objective, informative, and honest feedback for the business. Keep in mind that this information is being read by the business owner as well as other locals that may be considering doing business with them.
You will refrain from abusive language or name calling.
You understand that local consumers will be reading your feedback that you have provided for the business so you may address them as well.
You will be "scoring" the business between 1 and 10 points (NPS or Net Promoter Score), which will be converted to 1 to 5 stars.
Your feedback may be posted publicly on the Local's Reviews website, the Local Business' website or social media pages and may also be used in print media or other marketing pieces or platforms.
If you check the box [Make my feedback private. DO NOT publish as a review.], your Feedback will NEVER be displayed publicly. Businesses that use this platform CANNOT override it.

When a website visitor taps on the button to provide feedback for you, they will be redirected to the Locals.Reviews website, see your logo as well as your reviews count, your star rating and your reviews. Tap on the "Provide Feedback Now" button above to see.

Thank you. We appreciate your feedback.
Online review websites are very important marketing tools for gaining new business.
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